Thursday, February 26, 2009
Photos from Heidi
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Crazy life

Matthew's last hour in the NICU
Can we go home now?
Happy Valentine's Day!
Enamored by the television
Welcome home, Matthew
Nathan feeding baby Matthew
Little piggy trying to hold his own bottle
All three boys (yes, Nathan was giving Matthew an un-prompted kiss)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Home tomorrow!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Micah is getting an x-ray today to check his adenoids. If it shows what his ENT thinks it will show, then he's going to get his adenoids removed along with tubes in his ears. The poor kid gets so stuffed up overnight that he's consistently waking around 3:00-3:30. "We" spray his nose with saline (okay, so lately that's been Mark's role). Then he wakes up again between 5:00-6:00am coughing and throwing up mucus (usually all over Mark, who I think has finally figured out that it's just better to not get dressed for work until Micah has his morning puking session).
I'm awaiting a call from cardiology to see if Micah can have this surgery done locally or whether it will require another visit to the OR at Children's. Oh, and for some reason Micah has lost about a 1/2 pound over the past 3 weeks. Hmm.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Plan for discharge

One of the funniest things about this week has been the reaction of some of the nurses who see me (or Mark) in the NICU and they do a double-take. They certainly weren't expecting to see us back at all, let alone so soon! Matthew's nurse for the past few days has been Ann. She was also one of Micah's nurses one year ago. She enjoyed seeing Micah. He was quite the ham too.

Matthew likes his arms to be free from blankets

Oma with Matthew

Oma with Micah

Grammie feeding Matthew
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Matthew is doing very well. He's under the bili light due to jaundice, and he'll likely stay under the light today. But he's eating like a champ! He is up to 2oz per feeding, so his PICC line should come out today. The hurdle that he has to clear before being released is that due to the respiratory distress he was in when he was born, he has to go five days without an apnea (when he briefly stops breathing). Yesterday was day one, so we're looking at Wednesday at best. I will have a lot of work to do to get him to nurse after he gets home, but expecting him to take all of his required calories by nursing before being discharged would mean that he would be in the hospital for a long time. We're not willing to make that sacrifice. So here we go again with the pumping. Hopefully he'll pick it up within a month.
Sweet baby face

Time with Daddy
Update on Micah: He has another ear infection. So, it's time for us to get down to Milwaukee to see an ENT about options. The antibiotics took care of his last ear infection, but he had another one just four days after finishing the last dose. So in our opinion, he's destined for repeated ear infections unless something is done about the root cause, which appears to be adenoids, tonsils, etc. This poor kid continues to go through coughing, throwing up, etc., because of congestion.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Quick update

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Baby is Here!!!
Matthew Taylor is born!
We are blessed to welcome Matthew Taylor into our family. Matthew was born this morning at 7:50 am. He weighed in at 8 lbs 2.6 oz (a big boy at only 36 weeks of pregnancy). He measured 20 inches long.
Despite being a healthy weight, Matthew is acting like a bit like a preemie. Shortly after birth, Matthew was working harder than he ought to breathe. As such, he was transferred to the NICU where he is on a low dose of forced air through a nasal cannula. We hope and pray that Matthew will be able to get off the cannula and leave the NICU soon. Other than the need for forced air, Matthew is a beautiful healthy little boy.
Jennie is doing great and getting some much needed rest (kinda).