Allow me to describe the scene as there are no photos. Micah and Matthew were sitting and playing in the playroom. Matthew takes a toy from Micah, puts it on the train table, and stands up to play with it. Micah grabs Matthew's shirt, pulls him down, and grunts/growls at him. After I said a half-hearted "No, Micah," I turned around,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Micah pulled Matthew down!
Allow me to describe the scene as there are no photos. Micah and Matthew were sitting and playing in the playroom. Matthew takes a toy from Micah, puts it on the train table, and stands up to play with it. Micah grabs Matthew's shirt, pulls him down, and grunts/growls at him. After I said a half-hearted "No, Micah," I turned around,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Haiti relief
We have chosen to send money to Bethany Christian Services. They run two orphanages in Haiti. All of the children and staff are safe. But I'm certain they will have many more children to add to their homes soon. The director of one of those orphanages did an interview on the Today Show on Wednesday.
James 1:27 tells us, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Please do what you can.
(As a side note to my readers who don't have the best impression of evangelical Christians, please know that most of us disagree with Pat Robertson's assessment of Haiti's situation.)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Video - Matthew walking
A funny story about Matthew... Mark took the boys in for their flu booster shots in December. Micah cried (briefly, as always). Mark joked with the nurse that Matthew is so fat, he probably won't even feel it. Seriously... the child didn't even flinch!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Micah is 2 years old today!

Micah still receives about 90% of his nutrition through his feeding tube. He's taking small quantities of pureed baby food (stage 2 mostly) on a baby spoon. But he won't let any other item close to his mouth, including finger food or a cup. Even if he was taking in a huge volume of food orally, he couldn't go without the feeding tube because he will not allow fluids to pass his lips. We've been on the feeding tube journey for almost 2 years now. It stinks.
Micah is pulling to stand. He recently started moving his feet a bit more. I'm hoping to see him cruise the furniture more soon. He also recently started taking a few steps forward while holding (tightly) onto someone's hands. And just today, as he was standing holding onto my hand, he briefly and willingly let go. He was only able to stay standing for about 2 seconds before sitting down, but it's huge that he felt comfortable enough to let go (without me prying his fingers off my hand).
What have I left out? Just that this little boy brings a ton of joy to our lives. I will not say it's been an easy two years. And I'm still not in the camp of those who are actually glad that their child has Down syndrome (who knows... maybe I would be without all the medical junk... but maybe not then either... would I take away that extra chromosome if I could? Probably. Am I the only mom of a kid with designer genes who would? I'm pretty sure that I'm not, though expressing these feelings might get me blacklisted! Truthfully, though, I would really miss the amazing friends I've made in real life as well as in the blogosphere who share in our journey, and I'd miss out on some amazing life lessons that God has taught me and continues to teach me through Micah). I love this boy. And I wouldn't trade him, so don't ask. :-)
Happy birthday, my darling boy.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Additional Christmas photos
Before he broke into the stash