A Little Something Extra

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baby is Here!!!

Here's the great news that Mark and Jennie asked me to post:

Matthew Taylor arrived safely via c-section this morning at 7:50 CST.  He weighed in at 8 lb., 2.6 oz., 20" long, with a 14/5" head circumference.  He is currently in the NICU on oxygen because his lungs were not quite fully developed at 36 weeks, but Jennie tells me he's doing fine and they have already reduced the amount of oxygen that they are giving to him.  Jennie is doing well, too, and resting.

Congratulations to Mark, Jennie, Nathan, and Micah!


Rachel said...

Congratulations on your third adorable boy! With your three boys and our soon to be three girls we just might have to do some matchmaking;) I can't believe his size for four weeks early wow! Glad you didn't have to go full term with him. Praying he is soon breathing without oxygen and that Jennie's recovery is quick. Praying also for your little guys at home especially Micah and those helping to care for him. Hope you get a little much deserved rest in the hospital this week.
Hugs and Prayers
The Lendas

The Boltz Family said...

Congratulations on your big boy! Love the name! Sending a little prayer up that he will be out of the NICU and on his way home soon to meet his big brothers.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your family & pray that you and Matthew can go home soon.

God Bless,

The Hapa Girl said...

Yay! Congratulations! Can't wait to see the little guy!

CJ Field said...

Woo hoo! Welcome to the world little man!

Connie said...

Congrats. You both look great. Can't wait to meet the little bundle.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Matthew!!!And Hooray for Jennie---you're a rock star!
Katy, peter, joey and Ella Buchta