Here's what he looks like now.

And here's a photo of Micah's nurse for 12 hours today. His name is Jeff and he's worked in the PICU for 24 years. He tells little kids that this is Santa Claus' job during the off-season and they totally buy it.

7-10 days has become more like 12-14 days. It appears he will likely be in the PICU through the weekend. I just spoke with the attending and she doesn't think they'll close his chest until at least tomorrow. After that, it will be a couple of days before they take him off the ventilator, and a few days after that before they'll move him to a room.
We got into the PICU around 11:00 last night. We thought we would just stop in, see him in his new location, and head to the House. But there was no way we could leave with lots of doctors in his room trying to figure out how to best control his heart rate, which was 188 bpm at the time.
He is doing better this morning. They've gotten his heart rate down so they are able to control his heart with a pacemaker. He has five drainage tubes from his chest and lots of leads for the pacemaker, etc. He has been on a cooling blanket to help keep his heart rate down. I hate holding his hand and having it be so cold.
I just want to smooch his face and snuggle him. As you can see by this photo, I can't do that right now.
There's a couple who spent a good part of yesterday afternoon in the surgical waiting room with us. They're from Wausau and their pastor came in last evening and stayed the night at a local hotel to be with them. This couple is staying at the RMH as well and ironically are in the room next door to us and their little girl is in the PICU room next to Micah's. Anyway, their pastor came in and prayed with us for Micah this morning. He's a super great guy. He shared from Philippians 4. I referenced the same passage back in November.
The first picture brought a smile to my face, the 2nd brought me to tears, and the 3rd made me laugh. It will be fun for Micah to hear (and see) how Santa cared for him in PICU. I am continuing to pray and think of you all.
I saw on Amy's blog that your little boy was having surgery. I just want to let you know that Tim and I are praying for your sweet little Micah and for you and Mark.
Jo and Tim F.
So glad for all the updates!! Hope Micah's doing well today & headed towards a speedy recovery.
poor baby! i was brought to tears by the 2nd picture as well. we are thinking of you and Micah's sweet spirit and so glad that God has brought people in your life who are in the same shoes. let us know what we can do.
Oh, all those tubes are just heartbreaking! (Oh, dear, that really was not intended to be a bad pun. :( )
Praying for your sweet little guy!
I can't imagine having to hand your child over to the doctors and then the waiting period between those first two pictures. I've been praying and will continue to pray that Micah will heal quickly.
I am from the BC board, thank you so much for inviting us to read your blog. I have been thinking about Micah constantly. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!
Hey Jen. My heart is going out to you and your family. I am praying for Micah's quick recovery.
Micah, it looks like you are in great hands with Santa Clause and the rest of the PICU staff. Seeing you there in PICU brought back such memories for us! With a litle time, you will be so strong. I can't wait until you can give your mom and dad a little smile. Many prayers are being said here for removal of the vent, a regular strong heartbeat, no complications and plenty of comfortable rest so you can heal and get home! God bless, The Delaneys
I think Lilja had Santa as her nurse too. His appearance is unforgettable; he still has the same headband.
We are continuing to pray for a speedy recovery for Micah. He is obviously a very strong little guy.
Praying for your little guy! Hoping you get some rest and have peace that he is in good hands.
Thank you so much for the updates. It helps those of us who are far away feel like we're right there with you. (Big virtual hug) my friend, and sending lots of love to you, Mark, Nathan and strong little Micah.
I'm glad you shared pictures with us. They shocked me, and I cried. But it helped me understand better. It made me want to be there with you. I love you, sweet friend.
I found your blog through Amy's blog before Micah was born and have been reading it ever since. I wanted to tell you that I am praying for your precious Micah, and for you and Mark.
As I sit here crying, I pray for your family and especially for Micah. He's such a strong little guy....
Wow. It always amazes me to see all those wires and tubes. Hope everything is going well.
You have a cute family!
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